- Spiders that build webs on my kitchen window 24 hours after I washed it.
- Spiders, period.
- Congress using tax dollars to bail out people who made bad decisions.
- People who haven't read the owner's manual to their car to find out how to use a turn signal.
- Bumper stickers with profanity or crude messages.
- Billboards that advertise unsavory "businesses" along interstates
- Buying groceries for people who are most likely here illegally, with three small children and one on the way.
- People who think I want to hear their lousy excuse for music from four cars away.
- Not being acknowledged or thanked by a check-out clerk.
- Cell phones in restaurants, waiting rooms, movie theaters, and bathrooms.
- Summer in Atlanta.
- People who save places in long lines for other people who weren't already there.
- Talking in movie theaters.
- Litter.
- Cigarettes.
- Cigarette smoke.
- Liberal (il)logic.
- Bad spelling.
- Bad grammar.
- Bad punctuation.
- Texting lingo.
- People who can't, like, put together, like, a quasi-sensible sentence without, like, using the word "like", like, in multiples of five.
- Coffee breath.
- Men in tank tops in public.
- Out-there underwear.
- E-mails from perfect strangers who think I'm dumb enough to fall for their scams.
- The IRS.
- Moral relativism.
- Having a taste for something that's not as good as I expect it to be.
- Calling anyplace and getting an automatic voice system where English is an OPTION.
I'm amused...I was flipping though the 1000 items in my blog reader and looked at this one and thought "I should send this to Lydia!"
Then I noticed it was your blog...
You forgot one:
-People who wear crude or profane t-shirt into a public place.
I saw a guy wearing a shirt in front of me at Albertsons with two F'bombs on it. Toby was with me... I was immediately thankful he can't read yet.
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