Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Barack Obama: Passing the Hope Bong

Boy, I just wish I had thought of that. I don't know who this guy is on Larry King Live, but he has the greatest line, talking about Obama "passing his hope bong around the drum circle of young America." I don't know what those people ARE smoking, but aren't deep-breathing anything that gives them ecstasy-filled highs of common sense, that's for sure.

I don't think anyone should be allowed to vote until 1) they OWN their own home; 2) they have earned at least $150,000 (cumulatively, not in a year -- don't whine, if you have a brain and/or skills it won't take long), and/or 3) have passed a basic math proficiency and logic test.

Here is a trailer for the movie "Hype: The Obama Effect."

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