Ask anyone who halfway knows me, and they'll say that it's rare that I find it difficult to express myself. Yeah, I over-express myself sometimes. Sorry, my perfection gene failed somewhere along the line (I think it happened in a garden somewhere....). Yet, I keep hearing something that just drives the bile right up into my throat every time, and the word(s) to express my feelings elude me. Some words that have potential: Anger. Frustration. Disbelief. Outrage. Disgust. Bemusement.
So, what are the magic words that affect me so? Many wouldn't be surprised to hear that they are uttered by Barack Obama, but what might be surprising is that the words that rile me are the ones where he talks about Americans needing to come together: African Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Straight People, Gay People, etc. And the loony left crowd goes wild in the background, en masse in support of his loony pandering. First of all, he doesn't say WHAT we should come together over (thanks to Michael Medved for pointing that out). But what REALLY gets me is that Barack Hussein Obama and his myriad minions and myrmidons don't realize how very, insanely, incredibly hypocritical they are. Here, one touts and many show support for "coming together as Americans." Yet, this is the very group of people who want people grouped and labeled according to various characteristics WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT. Oh, let me talk about us all needing to come together for something (because it makes a lot of people clap, and that will make the news), but sometimes it's convenient for us to group Native Americans together (and let's throw in African-Americans for good measure, even though they're not relevant to the question), as in when we engage in that ever-so-critical dialogue about reparations. It's fine to separate American citizens into groups when it concerns hate crimes legislation aimed at protecting the "rights" of gays and lesbians, as opposed to the "rights" of people in general. It's fine to separate American citizens into groups when trying to get the "evil rich" to pay more of "their fair share" of taxes so that people who underperform (once referred to as those who didn't win life's lottery) can pay less.
I am totally stymied as to how the loony left Obama supporters can be so totally clueless about how totally hypocritical they are.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Barack Obama: Passing the Hope Bong
Boy, I just wish I had thought of that. I don't know who this guy is on Larry King Live, but he has the greatest line, talking about Obama "passing his hope bong around the drum circle of young America." I don't know what those people ARE smoking, but aren't deep-breathing anything that gives them ecstasy-filled highs of common sense, that's for sure.
I don't think anyone should be allowed to vote until 1) they OWN their own home; 2) they have earned at least $150,000 (cumulatively, not in a year -- don't whine, if you have a brain and/or skills it won't take long), and/or 3) have passed a basic math proficiency and logic test.
Here is a trailer for the movie "Hype: The Obama Effect."
I don't think anyone should be allowed to vote until 1) they OWN their own home; 2) they have earned at least $150,000 (cumulatively, not in a year -- don't whine, if you have a brain and/or skills it won't take long), and/or 3) have passed a basic math proficiency and logic test.
Here is a trailer for the movie "Hype: The Obama Effect."
Monday, July 28, 2008
Things I like a lot/adore/love
- My church
- My Savior, who loves me "even though. . ."
- Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma
- Macaroni Grill, Houston's, Brusters, The Varsity
- Cheerwine
- Walt Disney World with my family
- Being a household free of credit cards and their associated stress
- Naps
- Smiles, hugs, kisses, giggles, silly jokes from my beautiful girl
- Not having a baby in the house
- Makeup
- philosophy's "Grace" fragrances
- Iced tea (yes, sweet; there is no other kind)
- These browned-butter cookies, ridiculously time-consuming as they are
- The sand and beautiful water at Destin, Florida
- Sentimentality
- When DH has three payday Fridays in a month (yay, August!)
- Laughing until I cry
- DD's picture with Santa every year
- Hope
- Psalm 121
- Finding my daughter's little treasures around the house when she's gone (visiting Poppa!)
- A faithful husband
- Freshly laundered sheets
- Watching Road Runner cartoons on YouTube
- A new box of crayons (Crayola only, please)
- The first Christmas card of the season
- Curling up with a good (or great) book
- Stimulating talk radio
- A new haircut
- Fresh, crisp mountain air
- Fall
- Winter
- Spring
- Hot chocolate with marshmallows
- Breaking out in 80s songs with vague references, much to the dismay of my hubby
- Looking at old family photos
- Celebrating my mother's victory over breast cancer each October (14 years this year!)
- Cold, clear mountain streams
- Catching a fiesty native rainbow trout (and putting him back)
- Christmas stockings

Things that get on my nerves
- Spiders that build webs on my kitchen window 24 hours after I washed it.
- Spiders, period.
- Congress using tax dollars to bail out people who made bad decisions.
- People who haven't read the owner's manual to their car to find out how to use a turn signal.
- Bumper stickers with profanity or crude messages.
- Billboards that advertise unsavory "businesses" along interstates
- Buying groceries for people who are most likely here illegally, with three small children and one on the way.
- People who think I want to hear their lousy excuse for music from four cars away.
- Not being acknowledged or thanked by a check-out clerk.
- Cell phones in restaurants, waiting rooms, movie theaters, and bathrooms.
- Summer in Atlanta.
- People who save places in long lines for other people who weren't already there.
- Talking in movie theaters.
- Litter.
- Cigarettes.
- Cigarette smoke.
- Liberal (il)logic.
- Bad spelling.

- Bad grammar.
- Bad punctuation.
- Texting lingo.
- People who can't, like, put together, like, a quasi-sensible sentence without, like, using the word "like", like, in multiples of five.
- Coffee breath.
- Men in tank tops in public.
- Out-there underwear.
- E-mails from perfect strangers who think I'm dumb enough to fall for their scams.
- The IRS.
- Moral relativism.
- Having a taste for something that's not as good as I expect it to be.
- Calling anyplace and getting an automatic voice system where English is an OPTION.
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