Come again?
In the beginning, there was a desire for a candy. On the second day, it developed into a soft, sort of a kersquoozy-chewy marshmallow-like candy. On the third day, it was decided the candy would be shaped like a peanut. On the fourth day, the idea had developed into an orange, peanut-shaped candy. And, on the fifth day? Oh, yeah, let's make it marshmallow, peanut-shaped, orange colored, and banana flavored. Let there be....Circus Peanuts?????
Ah, yes, I regressed to age 7 and bought a bag today, at a humongadingus Bass Pro Shop Outdoor World, of all places. Daughter loves to go; they have all manner of stuffed wildlife, mounted gamefish, a huge fish tank, a rock climbing wall where we can watch people publicly humble themselves, and a shooting arcade. This weekend happened to be the Fall Hunting Classic, so there were lots of exhibits. We got to see several venomous and non-venomous snakes that are native to GA (yes, live, and yes, in locked aquariums, thank you very much), and a lady was there with a red-tailed hawk, a barn owl and a screech owl. The little screech owl had been molting and was just the cutest little thing. Daughter had her Beanie Baby hamster in her hand and the lady with the birds very wisely suggested that we stash Haffertee in my purse so as to not lead the magnificent birds of prey into thinking that we had brought a snack. Oh, yes, the Beanie Baby is named Pellet but for us it is Haffertee, after Haffertee Hamster Diamond in the books by Janet & John Perkins, now out of print but sometimes available on eBay - we highly recommend them.
The serpent said to the woman, "You surely will not die!" . . . The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, cursed are you more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you will go, and dust you will eat all the days of your life." Genesis 3:4, 14
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